Drew Parsons
2024-08-11 23:20:01 UTC
PermalinkVersion: 0.34.3-1
Severity: serious
Tags: upstream
Justification: FTBFS
We need to upgrade python3-mp-api for python3.12 support and to run
successfully with latest pymatgen.
However, more recent versions of python-mp-api required the maggma
package from https://github.com/materialsproject/maggma/
which is not yet packaged for Debian.
We will be unable to build update and build python-mp-api until maggma
is available. Hence marking this bug severity: serious (FTBFS)
in order to remove python3-mp-api from testing.
If you're able to do the work of packaging maggma, then please file an
ITP against the wnpp pseudopackage, and identify it as blocking this